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I barely know what day it is. That’s why I wrote you a handwritten letter this month - so that I could do something tactile and grounding. It is likely full of typos. I won’t have a chance to transcribe it just yet. If you are receiving this directly in your inbox, you’ll receive the full analogue experience. If you’re just stumbling across this Substack at some future time, my hope is that this letter will have been transcribed below for you. I appreciate the space you offer me to show up in this way, wherever you are joining me in the space-time continuum.
Here are some of the things I reference in the letter.
My dear dharma friend, Elaine Su-Hui, sends out a handwritten, riso-printed newsletter called Earthworm Stories.
The sign-off in the letter and below and in the print offering references the “Suffusion with the Divine Abidings”. I first chanted this with Thanissara and Kittisaro and it continues to show up. It is growing to be one of my favorite returning places.
xo Jessica
For existing paid subscribers.
slowly, slowly remains free. However, I would like to send a special Thank You to those of you who have supported me as a paid subscriber. Whether you’re a past paid subscriber or a current paid subscriber, I hope you’ll respond to this newsletter with your mailing address so that I can send you my I AM THE EARTH AND THE EARTH IS ME zine, along with a little note.
For new paid subscribers.
And! The tiniest of promos - for the next eleven new paid subscribers (monthly or yearly), I would love to send you the I AM THE EARTH AND THE EARTH IS ME zine as well as a little riso-printed poem (seen above). Some of the prints will have printed texts and others will be hand-written (that’s just how the riso-printing day worked out). Ty - always - so much - for your support.
An Inner Fields Update.
After 4 years of offering meditation gatherings online, and almost 8 years of meeting and organizing as a sangha, it is with some sadness that we have now decided to close our monthly online space. Many changing conditions have led us to this decision. Our beloved, longtime sangha organizer, Amira Pierce, stepped down from her role at Inner Fields last month, and the difficulties of organizing across 4 different locations and 3 different time zones has inevitably become too great.
The good news is, with the release of our online space we now have the capacity to create more localized, in-person events! Darlène is seeking interest in establishing a sangha in Pittsburgh. Jessica (me) has offered eco-workshops at 462 Halsey Community Garden in Bed Stuy. Chelsea is deepening her engagement and offerings with SourcePoint Therapy. Elaine will be creating a listening event at the Philosophical Research Society in LA later this year, and is starting a Palestine support sangha in Sydney. There will be opportunities to practice with us again in New York as well. You can find updates with details of these gatherings as they arise by following our Instagram (@innerfields_ny).
💛 Thank you for creating Inner Fields Sangha with us. We have been nourished and nurtured by this online community just as much as you. We look forward to practicing in person with you soon. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions regarding these changes, or are seeking alternative online sanghas to practice with.
Work with me.
You can find me weekly at Heal Haus, five days a week at Arena, intermittently at Inner Fields and often at 462 Halsey Community Farm.
A more thorough explanation of papanca here: https://tricycle.org/article/papanca/
Your handwriting is so delicious and curly! Also I can’t believe you had white-out on hand 🥲
I love the handwritten element of this so much I’ve been thinking about it since reading. I didn’t realize how rare it’s become (for me at least) to read someone’s actual handwriting — which makes it feel very intimate and direct. Seeing your mind to body connection, materialized. I also found I had to read slower to decipher penmanship quirks — to sit with a word or two until I could make sense of the shapes. What a treat, honestly. Thank you! 🌺