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Language is not universal and figure out the world through a culture, carrying centuries of opinions, acts of previous generations, heritage of the environment etc. As for me French is the mother tongue, I discovered very late in my education that history classes I received at school gave me some false ideas of the past and brought some facts in a very singular and colonialist way. I learned the word equanimity in the field of Dharma talks. And it releases a bit of my anxiety in giving another word to perceive differently the world. Equanimity allows to meet situations as "neither nor" that often brings me to doubt in a peaceful way, patiently. As in the actual society, you have to give an opinion to be considered, judge to choose the best, compete to get success and more. With equanimity I come slowly to understand what it is to meet the feelings and the beliefs of right or wrong, good or bad, success or failure in a gentle way, much more subtle and opened to life than judgmental thoughts, often carried by violence. So I come slowly to understand better and better what this word equanimity means and I thank you for the precisions of the translation from Pali, I learned something very interesting. May you be blessed, safe and at ease.

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